Vaddio Canon VC-C50i Programmers User Manual
Page 57

12.28 Tilt Movable Range Assignment
Pedestal Control Command Type 1
To assign movable range in Tilt direction.
Command 0064h
Length 9
Normal Mounting: –267~+800 (7EF5h~8320h)
Inverse Mounting: –800~+89 (7CE0h~8059h)
Status None
Reference •Maximum & minimum (position) movable angle can be set, when Tilt motion
command is set by Tilt Up and Down Start Tilt motion setting command and
etc. and set Tilt maximum & minimum angle (position) which can be set by
Pan/Tilt Angle Assignment command.
•Parameter value (1LSB) of Pan is equal to approx. 0.1125 by converting to
angle (see 12.18).
•Minimum parameter value can be obtained by Tilt Minimum Angle
Request command (12.21) and maximum value can be obtained by Tilt
Maximum Angle Request (12.22).
•Parameter section (9byte) splits fixed value as p0, minimum angle (position)
as p1~p4 and maximum angle (position) as p5~p8.
•Minimum & maximum Tilt parameter value is to set at angle of Home
Position (8000h). See 12.25 Pan/Tilt Angle Assignment.
•Not necessary to include Home Position between minimum and maximum
angle (position). But minimum angle value must set equal or less value of
maximum value.
•When Pedestal Initialize 1 command executes, moves to Home Position,
even though out of range.
•In case that Tilt position is out of range before executing Pedestal Initialize 2
command, it returns to minimum or maximum position within motion range
by the return motion.
Format of Control Code
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4
Header Device
FFh 30h 3Xh 00h 64h
d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12
d13 d14
Minimum Angle Parameter
Maximum Angle parameter
End mark
31h p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 EFh
Running speed indicates in hexadecimal 8 figures and returns ASCII as parameter value.
Example: Min Value (lower) 30 degrees, Max Value (upper) 10 degrees
Lower –267
⇒ 7EF5h
⇒ 37h 45h 46h 35h
Upper +89
⇒ 8059h
⇒ 38h 30h 35h 39h
Example: Minimum (Lower) 30 degrees, Maximum (Upper) 10 degrees
Central value (Home position)
–267 (30degrees) +89 (10degrees)
Lower Upper
Tilt movable range
Minimum Maximum
7EF5h 8000h 8059h