Vaddio Canon VC-C50i Programmers User Manual
Page 14

6. Function of Command Termination Notification
6.1 Function In General
Among the control commands of VC-C50i, the executive format type 2 has the function of
the termination notification at the time terminated to executed. (the details of executive format
refers to 10. Classification of Command) The termination notification to be admitted or
forbidden will be executed by the ON/OFF command of the termination notification.
Note 1 : After just turn on, the function of command termination notification is set under
the condition of forbidden status.
Note 2 : In case of using this function, the software of computer must correspond to full duplex,
in order to be able to receive the termination notification data, even if the computer
Note 3 : The RTS line must be always ON, in order not to forbid the transmission of notification
data during the flow control.
Note 4 : The details of the communication timing are referring to 3.3 Communication Timing
6.2 Format of Command Termination Notification
Before the time to terminate the execution, the data format from VC-C50i to the computer is
configured as shown below.
Header Device
Num Command Parameter
: 1 byte FAh
Device Num : 2 byte 3030h~3039h (Device number in cascade connection.)
Command : 2 byte Command at the time of the operation terminated.
Parameter : Variable length Parameter at the time of the operation terminated.
End mark : 1 byte EFh
Under the status of Cascade ON, the command termination notification will be returned
from each device, corresponding to the control command of Device Num. 3030. (device number
7. Cascade Global Notification
7.1 In General
In case of using VC-C50i connected in cascade, the global commands (Device number 3030h)
can execute the identical operation to all VC-C50i connected in cascade. But the only last device
will return the answer to the computer. In case of the cascade global notification function
admitted and global command issued, the only error information integrated among the answer
information of VC-C50i is notified to the computer.
Note 1 : After just turn on, the function of command termination notification is of setting the
forbidden status.
Note 2 : In case of using this function, the software of computer must correspond to full duplex,
in order to be able to receive the termination notification data, even if the computer
Note 3 : The RTS line must be always ON, in order not to forbid the transmission of notification
data during the flow control.