Vaddio Canon VC-C50i Programmers User Manual
Page 36

12.11 Pedestal Initialize 1
Pedestal Control Command Type 2
After initialize pedestal, to run to home position.
Command 0058h
Length 1
Value 0h
Status None
Reference •After initialization, run to home position.
•Home Position (Front) is originally set at the following position.
Angle of Pan direction (position)
0 (8000h)
Angle of Tilt direction (position)
0 (8000h)
•By issuing this command, at first to centralize with high speed, then
approach to the right central position with low speed and determine the
central position. This central position will be home position.
The flag of Pan & Tilt running during Pan & Tilt Running come out 1 and
when every operation stops, it comes out zero.
Format of Control Code
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
Header Device
Command Parameter End
FFh 30h 3Xh 00h 58h 30h EFh
Answer Format
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
Device Num
Error Code
End mark
FEh 30h 3Xh e0 e1 EFh
Error Flag indicates in 2 figures hexadecimal and returns ASCII code value.
Example: e0 e1
In case of No Error :
⇒ 00h ⇒ 30h 30h
In case of Busy :
⇒ 10h ⇒ 31h 30h
In case of Parameter Error :
⇒ 50h ⇒ 35h 30h
In case of Mode Error :
⇒ 90h ⇒ 39h 30h
Condition of Error flag to be set
•In case of executing Pan running by Pedestal Control command.
•In case of executing Tilt running by Pedestal Control command.
•In case of executing Preset Move command.
Parameter Error •Assign illegal parameters.
Mode Error
•Not in status of Camera ON.
•Not in status of Host Control Mode.