Nikon 5000 User Manual

Page 177

background image


Playing Images Back—Basic Playback

1 Flash status

2 Image


3 Sensitivity (ISO


4 White balance

5 Color


6 Sharpening

7 Digital zoom

8 Lens-converter


9 File size

Page 3 (Shooting Information)

1 Thumbnail preview (flashing border

marks image highlights—i.e.,
brightest areas of image)

2 Histogram (shows distribution of

tones in image: horizontal axis gives
pixel brightness, with dark tones to
left and bright tones to right, while
vertical axis shows number of pixels
of each brightness in image)

3 File number and type

4 Exposure information (metering

method, shutter speed, aperture,
exposure compensation, sensitivity)

Page 4 (Exposure Information)

1 File number and type

2 Focus information (focal length,

aperture, shutter speed, focus
mode or manual focus distance,
noise reduction)

3 Focus confirmation (areas of image

that are in focus are sharply out-
lined, and active focus area is shown
in red)

Page 5 (Focus Confirmation)