Mcr220 radiator installation, Installation – Swiftech H20 APEX User Manual
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4. Reservoir
Rouchon Industries, Inc., dba Swiftech – 1703 E. 28
Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755 – Tel. 562-595-8009 – Fax 562-595-8769 - E Mail: [email protected]
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1. MCR220
The MCR220
dual 120mm radiator ships with the fans and the Radbox chassis already pre-assembled to the radiator. It is assumed in effect that
users will take advantage of our Radbox concept (external radiator installation) due to the benefits it provides and ease of installation. In such context,
the following installation guide describes this type of installation. We also recognize that due to various considerations (cosmetics, space, or simply
user preference) a number of users will wish to install the MR220 radiator internally. Because of the large size of the radiator, it is most likely that an
internal installation will require extensive modifications in most computer cases. Because these modifications depend on the structure and dimensions
of each individual chassis, we simply cannot provide precise installation instructions to this effect. Here are some general guidelines that advanced
“case-modders” should take into consideration:
Radiator installation, general considerations:
For optimum performance radiators require an unobstructed source of cool air. This dictates either an external mounting or one on/in the case where
the radiator will draw cool air from the exterior. The second consideration is the placement of the inlet and outlet connections; at least one connection
should be at the ‘top’ of the radiator to make it self-purging.
An external mounting can be effected by means of the RadBox affixed to the backside of the case and the tubing routed through holes drilled in the
case underneath the power-supply. This places the connections at the top of the radiator and it will preclude the accumulation of air in the radiator.
Single 120mm fan radiators can be mounted over appropriately sized openings in a variety of cases; conversely, mounting a dual 120mm radiator is
considerably more difficult and generally results in placing the radiator ‘inverted’ at the top, or ‘right side up’ at the bottom. Note that the ‘inverted’
mounting places the inlet and outlet facing down; this mounting will accumulate air over time. Placing the radiator ‘right side up’ in the case bottom will
make the radiator self-purging, but it will gather dust VERY quickly if adjacent to the floor. In any case, mounting a dual 120mm radiator inside a case
will require some extensive case modifications for the air inlet.
Place the radiator assembly on the back of the computer to roughly estimate where it will fit best.
You need to consider the following clearance issues:
Exit cables and connectors from various PCI devices: the Radbox base plate can be moved in both vertical and horizontal
directions to allow clearance for the cables
Opening the side panel once the Radbox is installed: the Radbox is supplied with various nylon spacers to separate the
base plate from the surface of the back-panel and to provide clearance for opening of the side-panel.
Note that a chassis with 80mm fan opening(s) is likely to provide a very good range of adjustments. Conversely, a chassis
featuring a single 120mm fan opening the base-plate is a direct bolt on, but offers no adjustments, which may or may not
suit our installation for the purpose of positioning the radiator. In that case, it will be become necessary to drill (4) mounting
holes of 0.150” (~3.5mm) in diameter to install the base plate at the desired location.
Securing the base plate at the desired location.