Iii. draining the system, Iv. periodic maintenance – Swiftech H20 80 R3 User Manual
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Figure 6a
Figure 6a shows a dual radiator setup. This particular setup was chosen to illustrate how to overcome the apparent difficulty of connecting two
radiators located opposite to one another in a chassis: one radiator in the back, and one radiator in the front. Such chassis configuration is
among the most commonly found in today’s mid-tower cases.
Notice how the radiators are setup in a parallel connection: from the MCW50 VGA cooler discharge, the tube is split into two sections, using a Y
connector. Each branch of the “Y” is then connected to each radiator inlet. Then the radiator discharge tubes rejoin into another “Y” connector
which goes to the MCW20 chipset cooler inlet, thus resuming the circuit. In this particular example, the sequence in which components are
connected to one another was chosen purely for convenience in tube routing, and dictated by the respective positions of these components.
From a performance standpoint there is very little performance to be gained from strictly controlling the component sequence: the maximum
delta T (difference in temperature) between any two points of the liquid cooling circuit does not exceed 1ºC. Whenever possible, performance
oriented users will typically want to route the radiator discharge(s) tube(s) to the inlet of the CPU cooler, since the fluid exiting the radiators is
always the coolest.
III. Draining the system
You will need to disconnect a line from one of the lowermost components. Procure a bucket large enough to receive approximately 1
liter of fluid, and place the bucket underneath the connection that you intend to “break”. Disconnect the line, and place both ends into
the bucket.
Open up the fill-cap from the MCRES-525. This will allow most of the fluid to escape.
A cleaner and much more convenient method consists in incorporating a drain assembly into the circuit during initial installation. See
drain assembly below.
IV. Periodic maintenance
Every 6 months: dust off the radiator fins and fan. You can use a can of compressed air for example, available in most
electronic supply stores. If you live in a very dusty area, you should perform this task at closer intervals. It is essential to
maintain the optimum performance of your cooling system.
Inspect the level of liquid inside the circuit, and refill if necessary. Evaporation in this closed circuit is extremely limited, but
still present due to permeability in the vinyl lines.
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Copyright Swiftech 2004 – Last edited 2-1-05 – Subject to revision without notice
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