A.3 crop water needs, crop coefficients – Campbell Scientific VisualWeather Software User Manual

Page 63

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Appendix A. Evapotranspiration, Vapor Pressure Deficit, and Crop Water Needs

This difference is calculated by calculating the saturated vapor pressure of the

VP deficit = (e°(T






e°(T) saturated vapor pressure (kPa) of the air at temperature T

(Ref. Equation (19) above)



actual vapor pressure (kPa) of the air

(Ref. Equation (20) above)

A.3 Crop Water Needs, Crop Coefficients

A crop's life cycle consists of four stages, initial period, development stage,
mid-season stage, and the late-season stage.

• The initial stage is the length of time (days) between the planting date and

the date at which approximately 10% of the ground surface is covered
with green vegetation.

• The development stage is the number of days between the 10% ground

cover to nearly full ground cover. The full ground cover often coincides
with flowering.

• The mid-season starts at full ground cover and ends when a crop shows

signs of maturity, e.g. yellowing of leaves.

• The late season lasts between crop's maturity to its harvest.

During each stage a crop's water need will vary. This requires adjusting the
amount of water supply to the crop.

The amount of water (in mm/day or inches per day) needed by a crop is
calculated by multiplying the reference crop evaporation (ET


) described

earlier by the crop coefficient (Kc) applicable to that crop in a given stage of
its growth.

ETc = ET


x Kc


These topics, along with useful data applicable to several crops can be
obtained by accessing the following web site:

Information available at this web site should serve only as a guide. It is the
responsibility of users to provide the correct value of Kc applicable to their
situation. Contacting local agricultural agencies may provide information
about crops grown in that region.
