Campbell Scientific VisualWeather Software User Manual
Page 36

The following components are available in Station Data. Listed below each
component are the sensors (for pre-configured weather stations) and real time
fields (for custom stations) required for each condition to be displayed.
Air Temperature
Sensors: HMP50-ET Temp/RH Sensor, CS500, HMP35C, HMP45C, 107
Temperature Probe, or 108 Temperature Probe
Real Time Fields: Air Temperature
Wind Chill
Sensors: Sensors that measure Air Temperature and Wind Speed
Real Time Fields: (Air Temperature and Wind Speed) or Wind Chill
Note that when using Air Temperature and Wind Speed to calculate the
Wind Chill, the Air Temperature and Wind Speed must fall within these
boundaries in order for Wind Chill to be calculated:
≤ Air Temperature ≤ 50 °F
≤ Wind Speed ≤ 110 MPH
If either measurement is outside the boundaries, the Wind Chill will be
reported as N/A. The condition that caused the Wind Chill not to be
calculated will also be specified. See Appendix D for more information
on Wind Chill calculation.
Heat Index
Sensors: Sensors that measure Air Temperature and RH
Real Time Fields: (Air Temperature and RH) or Heat Index