7 custom x-y reports – Campbell Scientific VisualWeather Software User Manual

Page 29

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7.2.7 Custom X-Y Reports

Custom X-Y report are available that allow you to plot one or more X-Y traces
on a graph and/or monitor one or more data values in a table.

The user specifies what will be used for both the X axis data values and the Y
axis data values on the graph. Each Y axis data value is plotted against the X
axis data value with an identical timestamp.

The Report Title and Sub Title fields are used to provide headings for the
graph. The Left, Right and Bottom Axis Title fields are used to provide a
label for each axis.

The tables that are being collected to the database are listed in the Tables field.
When a table is selected from this list, the data values in that table appear in
the Fields list.

Highlight a data value from the list and click the top right-pointing arrow (or
double-click the value) to add it to the list of values to be graphed. The type of
output for the data value can be specified by clicking the cell within the Field
column to display a list box of output types (Max, Min, Avg, Sample, or
Other). To specify whether the value is plotted on the right, left or bottom axis
of the graph, click within the Axis cell and select Right, Left or Bottom from
the list box that is displayed. There must be one and only one data value
selected for the bottom axis. Multiple data values can be selected for both the
right and left axes. A data field can be deleted from the list of values to be
graphed by right-clicking and choosing Delete.

Highlight a data value from the list and click the bottom right-pointing arrow
to add it to the list of values to be monitored in the table. The type of output for
the data value can be specified by clicking the cell within the Field Type
column to display a list box of output types (Max, Min, Avg, Sample, or
Other). A data field can be deleted from the list of values to be monitored by