1 new – Campbell Scientific VisualWeather Software User Manual
Page 33

7.3.1 New
To create a new batch report click the New button on the Batch Reports
Schedule screen. The Batch Report Selection screen is displayed.
This screen is much like the screen shown when manually generating a report
except you have additional fields to enter.
Batch reports can be created only for current weather stations (that is, you
cannot create Batch Reports for historical data of deleted weather stations).
Select the Output types desired. You can choose any combination of Print,
Web, .bmp, or .jpg, but you must choose at least one option. (See Section 12
for information on web output.)
Select the Report Type.
24 hour
Creates a 24 hour report. The 24 hour period covered starts at the
top of the hour and is based on the current PC time.
1 day
Creates a 24 hour report (midnight to midnight) for the last 24
hour period.
7 day
Creates a 7 day report for the last 7 days, beginning on midnight
of the first day and ending at midnight of the last day.
1 month
Creates a report for the previous month, beginning on midnight
of the first day of the month and ending at midnight on the last
day of the month.
Creates a report that starts at midnight and ends at midnight,
covering the number of days entered.