2 for users upgrading from visualweather 1, 2 hardware and software requirements – Campbell Scientific VisualWeather Software User Manual

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2.1.2 For Users Upgrading from VisualWeather 1

VisualWeather 3.X will not upgrade an existing VisualWeather 1 installation.
Significant changes were made to the database structure for VisualWeather 2.
Existing VisualWeather databases and reports are not compatible with, nor will
they import into, the new software. If VisualWeather 1 is detected on your
computer system during installation of VisualWeather 3.X, you will be
required to install the program executable and supporting files in a different
directory, as well as choose a different working directory.

The default installation directory for VisualWeather 3.X is C:\Program
Files\Campbellsci\VisualWeather. The default working directory for
VisualWeather 3.X (the directory in which all the data and report files are
stored) is C:\Campbellsci\VisualWeather. (Note the lack of a space in the
VisualWeather name; previous installations used the name Visual Weather.)
Subfolders are created in the working directory for the database (DataBase),
exported ASCII files (Export), custom images that are associated with stations
(Images), program files that are generated for preconfigured weather stations
during setup (ProgFiles), reports that are generated when using VisualWeather
(Reports), the RTMC projects used for Station Data (RTMC), and web output
(Web). A Sys directory also contains setup information and log files for your
copy of VisualWeather.

While VisualWeather 1 did not include the Short Cut program generator, it is
included in other Campbell Scientific software packages and also offered as a
stand-alone download from our web site. Therefore, you may already have a
copy on your computer. VisualWeather will update the existing version of
Short Cut. Any files created using previous versions of Short Cut for
Windows will be compatible with this current version. Additionally, if this
version of VisualWeather is uninstalled, the Short Cut program generator will
remain installed on the computer if it was installed prior to the installation of

2.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

The recommended minimum hardware for VisualWeather is a computer
running Windows XP, Vista, or 7.

If you need to contact weather station(s) in remote locations,
then you may also need RF modems and radios or an analog
phone line and a phone modem. VisualWeather can detect
modems installed on your computer provided they were
configured in your computer’s Window environment. During
configuration of a new weather station you will find it
convenient to select the detected modem.


Some newer computers have USB ports instead of serial ports
for communication with other devices. Communication using
VisualWeather requires serial communication. If your computer
has only a USB port, you will need a USB to serial port adapter.