Campbell Scientific TurfWeather Weather Station User Manual

Page 9

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Table of Contents

5-9. Accurate wind direction measurements require the reference line

on the wind direction sensor (right) to be aligned with Magnetic

North ............................................................................................... 20

5-10. The bubble level (in red box) confirms the station is level, which

is required for accurate rainfall and solar radiation

measurements ................................................................................. 20

5-11. Remove the red or green cap .............................................................. 21

5-12. The ground lug connected to the bottom of the weather station ..................... 23

5-13. The right close up is the 14 AWG wire and the #4 cable attached

to the tripod coupling ...................................................................... 23

5-14. The #4 cable connected to the ground rod ......................................... 24

5-15. A typical RF401-series base station ................................................... 25

5-16. Short haul enclosure mounted to the 16776 tripod ............................. 29

5-17. Cables connected to enclosure for short haul modem ........................ 30

5-18. Short haul modem cables connected to TurfWeather station ............. 30

5-19. Yellow wire connected to Battery+ terminal ..................................... 32

5-20. Auxiliary battery enclosure mounted to the 16776 tripod .................. 33

5-21. 18971 cable connected to auxiliary battery enclosure ........................ 33

5-22. 18971 cable connected to TurfWeather station .................................. 34

6-1. Inside of the TurfWeather .................................................................. 37

6-2. Main electronic board ........................................................................ 38

6-3. Removing the temperature and RH sensor cover ............................... 40

6-4. Solar radiation sensor ......................................................................... 41

6-5. Top view of rain gage ........................................................................ 44

6-6. Wind speed sensor with boot down and exposing wires .................... 46

6-7. Wind direction sensor with boot down and exposing wires ............... 48

6-8. Memory battery inside TurfWeather station ...................................... 51

6-9. Main electronics board inside TurfWeather station ........................... 53

6-10. Radio fastened to the main electronics board with a Velcro strap ..... 55

6-11. Removing the Velcro strap................................................................. 56
