Campbell Scientific TurfWeather Weather Station User Manual

Page 28

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TurfWeather Weather Station

4. Insert the mast into the tripod and rotate the mast assembly until the

bracket eye bolts all line up with a tripod leg then loosely tighten the mast

collar bolts on the tripod.

5. Tighten the guy-wire bracket bolts until they deform the mast by dimpling

the surface to assure the bracket does not slide when the turnbuckles are


6. Unscrew the turnbuckle until approximately 80% of both eye bolt threads

extend beyond the turnbuckle body.

7. Hook an S-hook to an eyelet on each of the tripod feet. Alternatively, the

S-hooks can be connected to user-supplied eye bolts set into a concrete

pad or another fixed structure.

8. One at a time, grasp a guy-wire and loop it around its corresponding

S-hook to roughly determine its correct length then cut the guy-wires to

eliminate any excess length.

9. Hook the unattached end of each S-hook to an eye bolt on the end of a


10. Loop the free end of each guy-wire through its respective turnbuckle eye

bolt and pull it tightly then clamp the guy-wire using one of the clamps


a. The guy-wires need to remain loose until after the weather

station assembly has been properly oriented. The turnbuckles are

tightened in step 5 of Section 5.4.4, Mounting the TurfWeather

Station on a Tripod or Pole.

b. Guy-wires will stretch for a few weeks after installation.

Therefore, periodically check them for tension and retighten the

turnbuckles as required until they stop stretching.

5.4.4 Mounting the TurfWeather Station on a Tripod or Pole

This procedure assumes the weather station has been set up and

tested at the computer location (see Section 4, Quickstart Guide),

and that a tripod or pole has been installed at the site.

1. Place your weather station assembly on top of the mast or pole with the

base firmly seated on the top edge of the mast or pole (FIGURE 5-7).