Figures, Tables – Campbell Scientific NR01 Net Radiometer User Manual

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NR01 Table of Contents



1-1. Atmospheric Radiation as a Function of Wavelength ............................ 2
2.2-1. The NR01 Four-Component Net Radiation Sensor............................. 4
2.3-1. Spectral Response of the Pyranometer Compared to the Solar

Spectrum .......................................................................................... 5

2.4-1. Spectral Response of the Pyrgeometer Compared to the Atmospheric

LW Spectrum................................................................................... 7

3.4-1. Dimensions of the NR01 in mm ........................................................ 14
4.1-1. NR01 with Reducer (P/N 21271) and Mounting Arm....................... 15
4.4-1. Installation and Removal of Radiation Shields.................................. 20
5-1. 4WPB100 Module ................................................................................ 21


2.3-1. Main Measurement Errors in the SW Signal ....................................... 6
2.4-2. Main Measurement Errors in the LW Signal....................................... 8
2.5-1. Average Global Radiation Values at the Earth Surface....................... 9
2.5-2. Expected SENSOR Outputs when Measuring with the NR01 ............ 9
3.1-1. General Specifications of the NR01 .................................................. 11
3.2-1. Specifications of SR01 ...................................................................... 12
3.3-1. Specifications of IR01 ....................................................................... 13
4.1-1. Recommendations for Installation of the NR01 ................................ 15
4.2-1. Internal Electrical Diagram of the NR01........................................... 17
4.3-1. Datalogger Connections for Differential Measurement,

when using a 4WPB100................................................................. 18

4.3-2. Datalogger Connections for Single-Ended Measurement,

when using a 4WPB100................................................................. 18

4.3-3. Pt-100 Temperature Sensor Connections to 4WPB100 and

Datalogger...................................................................................... 18

4.3-4. CR3000 and CR5000 Connections for Differential Measurement

and using the Current Excitation to Measure the PT100 Sensor ... 19

6.1-1. The NR01 Recommendations for Maintenance................................. 33
6.2-1. Troubleshooting for the NR01........................................................... 34