Campbell Scientific LoggerLink Mobile App for iOS User Manual

Page 5

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automatically filled in to the Datalogger Setup screen. After

manually filling in any additional settings, tap the Save button to

add the datalogger.
If you are not able to use UDP or PakBus discovery, you will

need to manually enter the information about how LoggerLink

will connect to your datalogger.
See the

Datalogger Setup

section for an explanation of each

field on the Datalogger Setup screen.
After you have finished setting up a datalogger, it will show up

in the list of dataloggers when LoggerLink is launched. You can

view a datalogger's settings by tapping on the disclosure button

on the right side of the datalogger. You can edit a datalogger in

your list by tapping the Edit button in the upper left corner and

then selecting the datalogger you wish to edit. You can delete a

datalogger by tapping the Edit button, tapping the delete button

control to the left of the datalogger, and then tapping the Delete

button that appears to the right of the datalogger. You can

change the order of the dataloggers by tapping the Edit button

and then using the row reorder button to the right of a datalogger

to drag it to the desired position.