Getting started, Datalogger setup – Campbell Scientific LoggerLink Mobile App for iOS User Manual

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Getting Started

When LoggerLink is launched, you can add new dataloggers by

tapping the "+" button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Note: Your iOS device must be connected to a network through

which you can reach your datalogger. If you are connecting

through an ad hoc network, it may be necessary to disable

cellular data on your iOS device.

Datalogger Setup

Depending on how your datalogger is connected to the Internet,

you may be able to use the UDP or PB discovery buttons to set

up your datalogger.
If your network supports UDP, simply tap the UDP discovery
button next to the TCP Address field. LoggerLink will return

a list of PakBus dataloggers that it discovers. Tap a datalogger

in the list to have its settings automatically filled in to the

Datalogger Setup screen. After manually filling in any

additional settings, tap the Save button to add the datalogger.
If your network does not support UDP, you may be able to use
the PakBus discovery button to set up your dataloggers.

Simply type in the IP Address and Port, and then tap the PB

discovery button next to the PakBus Address field. LoggerLink

will return a list of PakBus dataloggers that are reachable from

that IP address. Tap a datalogger in the list to have its settings