Campbell Scientific CR5000 Measurement and Control Module User Manual

Page 232

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Appendix A. CR5000 Status Table


CommActive - A variable signaling whether or not communications is
currently active (increments each time the autobaud detect code is executed).

ProgErrors - The number of compile (or runtime) errors for the current pro-

ErrorCalib - A counter that is incremented each time a bad calibration value is
measured. The value is discarded (not included in the filter update) and this var
is incremented.

VarOutOfBound - Flags whether an array was accessed out of bounds.

SkippedRecord - Variable that tells how many records have been shipped for
a given table. Each table has its own entry in this array.

SecsPerRecord - Output interval for a given table. Each table has its own
entry in this array.

SrlNbr - Machine specific serial number. Stored in FLASH memory.

Rev - Hardware revision number. Stored in FLASH memory.

CalVolts - Factory calibration numbers. This array contains twenty values
corresponding to the 20 integration / range combinations. These numbers are
loaded by the Factory Calibration and are stored in FLASH.

CalGain - Calibration table Gain values. Each integration / range combination
has a gain associated with it. These numbers are updated by the background
slow sequence if the running program uses the integration / range.

CalSeOffset - Calibration table single ended offset values. Each integration /
range combination has a single ended offset associated with it. These numbers
are updated by the background slow sequence if the running program uses the
integration / range.

CalDiffOffset - Calibration table differential offset values. Each integration /
range combination has a differential offset associated with it. These numbers
are updated by the background slow sequence if the running program uses the
integration / range.

CardStatus - Contains a string with the most recent card status information.

CompileResults - Contains any error messages that were generated by
compilation or during run time.