Campbell Scientific CR5000 Measurement and Control Module User Manual
Cr5000 measurement and control system
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Revision and Copyright Information
- Warranty and Assistance
- Table of Contents
- CR5000 Overview
- OV1. Physical Description
- OV1.1 Measurement Inputs
- OV1.1.1 Analog Inputs
- OV1.1.2 Signal Grounds ()
- OV1.1.3 Power Grounds (G)
- OV1.1.4 Ground Lug
- OV1.1.5 Power In
- OV1.1.6 Switched 12 Volts SW-12
- OV1.1.7 Switched Voltage Excitation (VX)
- OV1.1.8 Switched Current Excitation (IX)
- OV1.1.9 Continuous Analog Outputs (CAO)
- OV1.1.10 Control I/O
- OV1.1.11 Pulse Inputs
- OV1.1.12 Power Up
- OV1.1.13 SDM Connections
- OV1.2 Communication and Data Storage
- OV1.3 Power Supply and AC Adapter
- OV1.1 Measurement Inputs
- OV2. Memory and Programming Concepts
- OV3. PC9000 Application Software
- OV4. Keyboard Display
- OV5. Specifications
- OV1. Physical Description
- Section 1. Installation and Maintenance
- 1.1 Protection from the Environment
- 1.2 Power Requirements
- 1.3 CR5000 Power Supplies
- 1.4 Solar Panels
- 1.5 Direct Battery Connection to the CR5000 Wiring Panel
- 1.6 Vehicle Power Supply Connections
- 1.7 CR5000 GROUNDING
- 1.8 Powering Sensors and Peripherals
- 1.9 Controlling Power to Sensors and Peripherals
- 1.10 Maintenance
- Section 2. Data Storage and Retrieval
- Section 3. CR5000 Measurement Details
- 3.1 Analog Voltage Measurement Sequence
- 3.2 Single Ended and Differential Voltage Measurements
- 3.3 Signal Settling Time
- 3.4 Thermocouple Measurements
- 3.5 Bridge Resistance Measurements
- 3.6 Measurements Requiring AC Excitation
- 3.7 Pulse Count Measurements
- 3.8 Self Calibration
- Section 4. CRBasic - Native Language Programming
- Section 5. Program Declarations
- Section 6. Data Table Declarations and Output Processing Instructions
- 6.1 Data Table Declaration
- 6.2 Trigger Modifiers
- 6.3 Export Data Instructions
- 6.4 Output Processing Instructions
- Average (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- Covariance (NumVals, Source, DataType, DisableVar, NumCov)
- FFT (Source, DataType, N, Tau, Units, Option)
- FieldNames “list of fieldnames”
- Histogram (BinSelect, DataType, DisableVar, Bins, Form, WtVal, LoLim, UpLim)
- Histogram4D (BinSelect, Source, DataType, DisableVar, Bins1, Bins2, Bins3, Bins4, Form, WtVal, LoLim1, UpLim1, LoLim2, UpLim2, LoLim3, UpLim3, LoLim4, UpLim4)
- LevelCrossing (Source, DataType, DisableVar, NumLevels, 2ndDim, CrossingArray, 2ndArray, Hysteresis, Option)
- Maximum (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar, Time)
- Minimum (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar, Time)
- RainFlow (Source, DataType, DisableVar, MeanBins, AmpBins, Lowlimit, Highlimit, MinAmp, Form)
- Sample (Reps, Source, DataType)
- StdDev (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- Totalize (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- WindVector (Repetitions, Speed/East, Direction/North, DataType, DisableVar, Subinterval, SensorType, OutputOpt)
- Measured raw data:
- Calculations:
- Section 7. Measurement Instructions
- 7.1 Voltage Measurements
- 7.2 Thermocouple Measurements
- 7.3 Half Bridges
- 7.4 Full Bridges
- 7.5 Current Excitation
- 7.6 Excitation/Continuous Analog Output
- 7.7 Self Measurements
- 7.8 Digital I/O
- 7.9 Peripheral Devices
- AM25T (Dest, Reps, Range, AM25TChan, DiffChan, TCType, Tref,
- AO4 (Source, Reps, SDMAdress)
- CANBUS (Dest, SDMAddress, TimeQuanta, TSEG1, TSEG2, ID, Data
- CD16AC (Source, Reps, SDMAddress)
- CS7500 (Dest, Reps, SDMAddress, CS7500Cmd)
- CSAT3 (Dest, Reps, SDMAddress, CSAT3Cmd, CSAT3Opt)
- INT8 (Dest, Address, Config8_5, Config4_1, Funct8_5, Funct4_
- SDMSpeed (BitPeriod)
- SDMTrigger
- SIO4 (Dest, Reps, SDMAddress, Mode, Command, Param1, Param2,
- SW8A (Dest, Reps, SDMAddress, FunctOp, SW8AStartChan, Mult,
- Section 8. Processing and Math Instructions
- ABS (Source)
- ACOS (Source)
- ASIN (Source)
- ATN (Source)
- ATN2()
- AvgSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- AvgRun (Dest, Reps, Source, Number)
- Cos (Source)
- CosH (Source)
- Spatial Covariance
- Exp
- FFTSpa (Dest, N, Source, Tau, Units, Option)
- Frac (Source)
- GetRecord (Dest, TableName, RecsBack)
- IfTime
- Int, Fix
- Log (Source)
- LOG10 (number)
- MemoryTest (Dest)
- MaxSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- MinSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- Mod
- Move (Dest, Swath, Source)
- Or
- PeakValley (DestPV, DestChange, Reps, Source, Hysteresis)
- PRT (Dest, Reps, Source, Mult, Offset)
- Randomize (Source)
- RealTime
- RectPolar (Dest, Source)
- RMSSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- RND (Source)
- StrainCalc (Dest, Reps, Source, BrZero, BrConfig, GF, v)
- Rnd
- Sgn (Source)
- Sin (Source)
- SinH (Source)
- Sqr (Source)
- StdDevSpa
- Tan (Source)
- TANH (Source)
- Derived Math Functions
- Section 9. Program Control Instructions
- Appendix A. CR5000 Status Table
- Index
- Campbell Scientific Contact Information