Card and micr data, Programmable configuration options, Low level communications – MagTek MICRSafe99875466 User Manual
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MICRSafe with 3-Track MSR
The card and MICR data is converted to ASCII and transmitted to the host as if it had been typed
on a keyboard.
If another keyboard is connected to the same host as this device and a
key is pressed on the other keyboard while this device is transmitting,
then the data transmitted by this device may get corrupted.
Because of potential “data interleave” issues associated with the USB Keyboard interface,
MagTek recommends that you do not depress the keyboard while swiping a card or scanning a
check. If previous applications were based upon RS-232 serial interface on a Windows operating
system, it is recommended that you use MagTek’s MINI MICR USB Virtual COM Port product.
The device’s programmable configuration options affect the format of the card and MICR data.
Refer to the legacy commands section for a description of how the card and MICR data is
formatted. Some of the properties in this section also affect the format of the card and MICR
All data will be sent in upper case regardless of the state of the caps lock key on the keyboard.
This device has a number of programmable configuration properties. These properties are stored
in non-volatile memory. These properties can be configured at the factory or by the end user
using a program supplied by MagTek. Programming these parameters requires low level
communications with the device. During normal device operation, the device acts like a
keyboard; the host operating system takes care of all low level communications with the device
so that the application developer is not burdened with these low level details. Details on how to
communicate with the device to change programmable configuration properties follows in the
next few sections. These details are included as a reference only. Most users will not need to
know these details because the device will be configured at the factory or by a program supplied
by MagTek. Most users may want to skip over the next few sections on low level
communications and continue with the details of the configuration properties.
It is strongly recommended that application software developers become familiar with the HID
specification the USB specification before attempting to communicate directly with this device.
This document assumes that the reader is familiar with these specifications. These specifications
can be downloaded free from