CDN TCH130 - Chocolate Tempering Thermometer EN User Manual

Chocolate tempering thermometer, Perfect for, Easy to use

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Perfect For

Tempering chocolate

Easy To Use

High visibility scale



Durable laboratory glass

Non-mercuric column

Protective storage case

Instructions included

Versatile. Precise. Delicious!

The TCH130 is designed to help you make superior

chocolates and a wide range of low temperature

based candies. The TCH130 is made of durable

laboratory glass and is engineered to give you

the precise measurement accuracy necessary for

successful chocolate tempering.

Chocolate Tempering

Chocolate tempering — melting and then cooling

chocolate to a predetermined temperature —

is a necessary process for achieving professional

quality chocolates in the home. When chocolate

is melted and then cooled it can crystallize into

several different forms. For the chocolate to set up

with a nice sheen and to maintain firmness

at room temperature the cocoa butter must form

beta crystals. Tempering forces the correct

crystalline pattern.
Although chocolate that is simply melted and then

re-hardened will probably taste as good, it will not

have the glossy appearance or “snap” of tempered

chocolate. It will look dull, and will not maintain

a desirable texture. Also, untempered chocolate

will be more likely to melt at room temperature.

A. How to Temper Chocolate

Any chocolate you purchase will already be

tempered when it leaves the factory. However, once

it is melted for coating other items it will have

lost its tempered properties. To regain the correct

tempered property:
1. In a double boiler with barely simmering hot

water, stir the chocolate with a rubber spatula

or wooden spoon. Heat the chocolate to

120–125°F. It helps to begin with small,

uniform sized pieces of chocolate.

2. Remove the bowl from the heat and cool the

melted chocolate to 86°F. Adding small pieces

of already tempered chocolate can do this.

3. Raise the temperature of the chocolate by

setting the bowl back over the pan of hot water

for brief intervals (10–15 seconds). Keep an

eye on the temperature. For white and milk

chocolate, reheat to a maximum of 88°F, 90°F

for dark chocolate.

4. The chocolate is now tempered and can

be used for dipping or coating, but it must

remain in the 86–90°F range. Continue passing

it over the pan of hot water to maintain

the proper temperature.

B. Thermometer Position

For the thermometer to register an accurate

temperature it must read the chocolate itself and

not the bowl in which it is being melted. It often

helps to tape the thermometer to the bowl at

an angle to insure that the bulb of the

thermometer is not touching the bowl itself.

C. Test the Temper

Spread a small amount of the melted chocolate

on a piece of wax or parchment paper. Wait 2-3

minutes. If the chocolate sets quickly, is dry to

the touch, and has a glossy sheen then it has been

properly tempered. If it has white streaks or is

at all sticky, then it has not yet been tempered.

Begin the process again by reheating it to 120°F.


At high elevations, water boils at lower

temperatures than at sea level (212°F/100°C). To compensate,

note the temperature at which water boils and subtract that

amount from the recipe temperature. For example, if water boils

at 206°F/97°C, subtract 6°F/3°C from the desired temperature.


The TCH130 has a glass housing. Let it cool while

clipped to the pot or place it on a dry cloth. DO NOT set a hot

thermometer on a cold or wet surface.


Clean the thermometer before each use.

The red liquid in the thermometer is food-safe oil.

Model: TCH130

Chocolate Tempering


40 to 130°F