Calibration and adjustment by the user, Caution – Vaisala GM70 User Manual

Page 48

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USER'S GUIDE ______________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________ M010139EN-G

Calibration and Adjustment by the User

The GM70 can be calibrated and fine control adjustment can be carried
out by the user. Note that this adjustment does not correspond to the
accurate factory adjustment. The user adjustment is recommended only if
the reading error is less than 10% of the measuring range in the low-end
and less than 20% of the measuring range in the high-end. The
calibration report supplied with the product is not valid after the


You cannot revert to factory settings after the user adjustment!

Adjustment is carried out

- by using reference gases and a field check adapter,

- by comparing two probes: the one to be adjusted and the other a

calibrated probe.


Adjustment cannot be done with the GM70PUMP.

To open the adjustment mode you need to press the adjustment button
(Figure 16 below) located in the probe handle. The GMH70 handle does
not meet the IP65 classification requirements after removal of the screw
that covers the adjustment button.


Figure 16

Location of the Adjustment Button

The following number refers to Figure 16 above:



Adjustment button (before adjusting, take out the screw which
covers the button).