Warranty – Vaisala HM70 User Manual
Page 9

Chapter 1 ________________________________________________________ General Information
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 7
Vaisala hereby represents and warrants all Products
manufactured by Vaisala and sold hereunder to be
free from defects in workmanship or material during
a period of twelve (12) months from the date of
delivery save for products for which a special
warranty is given. If any Product proves however to
be defective in workmanship or material within the
period herein provided Vaisala undertakes to the
exclusion of any other remedy to repair or at its own
option replace the defective Product or part thereof
free of charge and otherwise on the same conditions
as for the original Product or part without extension
to original warranty time. Defective parts replaced in
accordance with this clause shall be placed at the
disposal of Vaisala.
Vaisala also warrants the quality of all repair and
service works performed by its employees to
products sold by it. In case the repair or service
works should appear inadequate or faulty and should
this cause malfunction or nonfunction of the product
to which the service was performed Vaisala shall at
its free option either repair or have repaired or
replace the product in question. The working hours
used by employees of Vaisala for such repair or
replacement shall be free of charge to the client.
This service warranty shall be valid for a period of
six (6) months from the date the service measures
were completed.
This warranty is however subject to following
a) A substantiated written claim as to any alleged
defects shall have been received by Vaisala
within thirty (30) days after the defect or fault
became known or occurred, and
b) The allegedly defective Product or part shall,
should Vaisala so require, be sent to the works of
Vaisala or to such other place as Vaisala may
indicate in writing, freight and insurance prepaid
and properly packed and labelled, unless Vaisala
agrees to inspect and repair the Product or
replace it on site.
This warranty does not however apply when the
defect has been caused through
a) normal wear and tear or accident;
b) misuse or other unsuitable or unauthorized use of
the Product or negligence or error in storing,
maintaining or in handling the Product or any
equipment thereof;
c) wrong installation or assembly or failure to
service the Product or otherwise follow Vaisala's
service instructions including any repairs or
installation or assembly or service made by
unauthorized personnel not approved by Vaisala
or replacements with parts not manufactured or
supplied by Vaisala;
d) modifications or changes of the Product as well
as any adding to it without Vaisala's prior
e) other factors depending on the Customer or a
third party.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid Vaisala's liability
under this clause shall not apply to any defects
arising out of materials, designs or instructions
provided by the Customer.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of and excludes all
other conditions, warranties and liabilities, express
or implied, whether under law, statute or otherwise,
including without limitation any implied warranties
of merchantability or of fitness for a particular
purpose and all other obligations and liabilities of
Vaisala or its representatives with respect to any
defect or deficiency applicable to or resulting
directly or indirectly from the Products supplied
hereunder, which obligations and liabilities are
hereby expressly cancelled and waived. Vaisala's
liability shall under no circumstances exceed the
invoice price of any Product for which a warranty
claim is made, nor shall Vaisala in any
circumstances be liable for lost profits or other
consequential loss whether direct or indirect or for
special damages.