Asante Technologies 5324 User Manual

Page 109

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Displaying an RMON Event Group Entry

Page 7-17

Event Community String

Enter the octet string of the SNMP community to receive
the event.

Event Owner String

Enter the name of the person who created this entry.



y at the prompt to set the parameters,

or type

n to cancel.

Displaying an RMON Event Group Entry

To display an Event Group entry:

Important: There must be at least one Event
Group entry in the system in order to display
information for an entry. To add an Event Group
entry, see “Adding an RMON Event Group Entry”
on page 7-16.



p from the RMON Event Group menu.


Enter the number of the RMON Event Group
entry to be displayed.


Press return.

A screen similar to Figure 7-12 appears.

Figure 7-12

Display RMON Event Group entry

Note: For a description of each parameter,
see page 7-16 to 7-17.