Client installation, Oracle client 9i installation – DAVIS FMS DriveRight Database Selection Guide (8186) User Manual
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Client Installation
The Oracle client must be installed on all computers running DriveRight FMS.
Please check with your Oracle database administrator for client licensing.
Note: If you are running DriveRight FMS on a Windows Vista or 7 operating system, please
contact your database administrator or Oracle for Oracle Client with Windows Vista or 7
The following steps are for installing Oracle Client 9i. If you install a different
version of Oracle Client, some steps may vary.
Note: Please follow these steps carefully and in the sequence in which they are written. Oracle
installation is a time consuming process, and if you go wrong at some place you may
have to reinstall the whole Oracle Client again.
Oracle Client 9i Installation:
1. Locate and run the Oracle Client CD. Click autorun.exe. The Oracle9i Client
installation screen displays.
2. Click Install/Deinstall Products. The Welcome dialog box displays.
3. Click Installed Products. If the dialog box says you have no installed
products, go to step 4. If an older version exists, a dialog box pops up with the
details. Remove these before installing 9i. The dialog box displays the installed
products as a tree structure. Expand the tree to display the check boxes.
Expand and check all the shown items, and click Remove. Wait until
everything is uninstalled.
4. Now you are ready to install 9i Client. Click Next. In the Next dialog box,
click Next. This step takes a few seconds.
5. In the Installation Types dialog box, select Administrator and click Next.
6. In the Summary dialog box, click Install.
7. If the installation is successful, the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
displays. This creates the Net Service Name, which is used during the creation
of the DSN. Select No, I will create net service names… and click Next.
8. Select Oracle8i or later… and click Next.
9. Enter the Service Name as DRight and click Next.
10. Select TCP and click Next.
11. Enter your Oracle server IP address as the Host Name and click Next. Contact
your database administrator for the Oracle server IP address. If this step takes
more than 10 minutes, please skip the remaining steps and See “Creating
Listener and Net Service Name Manually” on page 14.
12. Click Yes, perform a test and then click Next.
13. You will most likely see a success message. Click Change Login and change
both user name and password to the user name and password given by your
system administrator. Go back and click Next, it performs a test connection
with the new user name and password.
14. Leave Net Service Name as it is and click Next.