Changing settings, Refreshing data, Scan tag – DAVIS WeatherLink Application for the Apple iPhone User Manual

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WeatherLink® Mobile Version 1.0 for the Apple iPhone


Davis Instruments Corp.

September 18, 2009

iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.

Changing settings

Choosing the “i” button will open the settings screen. Settings
can be changed to show the data in US or metric units, and
allows for combinations based on regional (and personal)
preferences. The Data Display Resolution choice will round
certain values to their nearest integer or equivalent to present
data in a more compact way. This choice does not affect the
accuracy of the data, only the way it is displayed.

The bottom scroll feature will change the Scan Tag, which is the
value highlighted in green for all weather stations in the active
list. The weather variable chosen for the Scan Tag will also
have its row shaded in the current conditions portion of the
weather display.

Refreshing Data

All Davis stations update the WeatherLink Network database every minute. WeatherLink Mobile
automatically refreshes once every 10 minutes, but if you want the update sooner, you can shake
the phone to make an immediate update request. You’ll see the little spinning icon at the top
appear whenever the application is requesting new data.

Scan Tag

This feature lets you see at a glance a current condition's value
for all active stations. Some scan tags will show additional data
when available, such as a compass arrow to denote wind
direction, and trend arrow to indicate the pressure change, or a
raindrop to indicate that it is currently raining at that location.
Some stations may not have the necessary sensor used to
provide the value, and that will by indicated by a "-" in the scan