2 intelligent addressable modules: newer series – ADT Security Services Unimode 9600 User Manual

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Product Description

Unimode 9600 PN 51336:C 11/06/01


1.6.2 Intelligent Addressable Modules: Newer Series

The newer series of Control Modules and Monitor Modules provide an interface between
the control panel and conventional notification and initiating devices. Each module can be
set to respond to an address with built-in rotary switches with the ability to select up to
159 addresses (a tab on the address switch must be broken off to use addresses 100-159).
A blinking LED on a monitor module indicates communication between the module and
the control panel. These devices can also be used in CLIP Mode (Classic Loop Interface
Protocol) when installed on older systems. Refer to the ADT Device Compatibility
Document for a list of approved notification and initiating devices.

Monitor Modules
The MMF-300, MDF-300 and MMF-302 are addressable monitor modules for monitoring
conventional initiating devices. The MMF-300 is used for normally open contact alarm
initiating devices, such as manual pull stations, four-wire smoke detectors, heat detectors,
waterflow, security contacts and supervisory devices. The MDF-300 is a dual monitor
module (Class B only) which occupies two consecutive SLC addresses, with each module
functionally the same as the MMF-300. The MMF-302 is used primarily for two-wire
smokes detectors in addition to normally open contact devices. The supervised IDCs
(Initiating Device Circuits) can be wired to the modules as NFPA Style B (Class B) or
Style D (Class A) circuits. The modules are supplied with a thermoplastic cover for
mounting to a 4-inch mounting box.

Monitor Module (miniature)
The MMF-301 is an addressable module that is functionally similar to an MMF-300 but
offered in a smaller package for mounting directly in the electrical box of the device being

Control Module
The CMF-300 is an addressable Control Module used to connect NACs (Notification
Appliance Circuits) to power and supervise compatible, UL-listed notification appliances.
The NACs can be wired to the module as supervised NFPA Style Y (Class B) or Style Z
(Class A) circuits. The modules are supplied with a thermoplastic cover for mounting to a
4-inch square mounting box.

Relay Module
The CRF-300 is a Control Relay Module which is functionally similar to the CMF-300 but
used as a Form-C relay module.

Isolator Module
The I300 loop isolator module is an automatic switch which opens the circuit voltage to
the SLC loop branch(es) whenever a wire-to-wire short circuit is detected on that loop.
The remainder of the communications loop leading up to the I300 will continue to operate,
unaffected by the short. The isolator module is bidirectional, meaning that it can detect a
fault condition between the input SLC terminals or output SLC terminals. The I300 is
required to meet NFPA Style 7 requirements.

Detector Annunciator
The RA400Z is a remote single LED annunciator that can be wired directly to an
addressable detector for annunciation of that detector’s alarm status.

Manual Pull Station
The ADT-BG-12LX is an addressable manual pull station featuring a key-lock reset. The
pull station responds to an address set by the installer using the built-in rotary decimal
switches on the pull station. The manual pull station includes an ADT key.

