Ag Leader EZ-Guide 250 NMEA Output Cable Installation User Manual

Ag Leader Equipment

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2202 South Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 2348, Ames, IA 50010

Phone: 515-232-5363 Fax: 232-3595 Internet:

Part No. 2005927 Rev A


Installation Instructions: NMEA Output Cable – EZ-Guide 250

1. Remove the orange wedgelock from cable p/n 4001424 (TNL p/n 65168) or p/n 4001441 (TNL p/n 64228) using
needle-nose pliers. Pull wedgelock straight out.

2. Hold connector with rear grommet facing you.

3. Remove the plastic inserts from cavity’s 5, 6, and 7

4. Insert the Yellow wire of cable p/n 4001444 (TNL p/n 63076) into cavity 5.

5. Insert the Violet wire of cable p/n 4001444 (TNL p/n 63076) into cavity 6.

6. Insert the Green wire of cable p/n 4001444 (TNL p/n 63076) into cavity 7.