HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual

Page 46

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configure System Reporter to generate email alerts, you must enter the IP address or name of
the SMTP server, the user name and password if the SMTP server requires authentication, and
the SMTP originator name (the mailbox name that the email appears to be from). This
information is stored in the sampleloop_config.tcl file in the System Reporter installation
directory. Click Next to continue.


In addition to configuring the SMTP parameters for alerts, it is also used for sending

an email when the If there is a problem with sampling, send email to this address option is
set through the Sampling Policies settings.


Some firewalls or antivirus software may prevent the HP 3PAR System Reporter

sampler service (an executable named sampleloop.exe) or the facility for sending email
links for reports (an executable named inserv_perf.exe) from connecting to the SMTP
server. Ensure that the security software allows these executable to connect to the SMTP server.
To check if the connection is working, create an alert as described in that will always generate
an alert on a high-resolution table. Then check that email was received. If email was not
received, check for error information in the sampleloop.log file (see

“Troubleshooting the

Sampling Components” (page 224)


10. Click Next and then, when prompted, click Finish.

The HP 3PAR System Reporter Installer window closes.

11. On the Windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and then Services.
12. In the Services window, locate the entry for HP 3PAR System Reporter sampler and verify that

the Status is Started.


If the Status is not Started, the installation of the HP 3PAR Reporting Tools may be

unsuccessful. Check the sampleloop.log. If the installation was unsuccessful, remove all
System Reporter components using the instructions provided in and then repeat the installation
steps described in

“Installing or Upgrading the System Reporter Tools” (page 44)


For additional troubleshooting information, see

“Troubleshooting System Reporter” (page 224)


13. Close the Services window.

At this point the System Reporter sampler service has been installed and started.

If this is an upgrade from a previous version of System Reporter, the sampler process will
automatically convert existing tables in the database into newer version tables and create new
tables if necessary.


Do not interrupt the sampler process during a System Reporter upgrade. Stopping

the sampling service while it is in the process of upgrading the database tables may leave it in a
state where it cannot continue. If you encounter a problem and need to stop the sampler process,
you should first consult the sampleloop.log to make sure that the database tables have been
upgraded before attempting to stop or restart the sampler process.


The upgrade process may take some time during which web access to the reports will

not be available. Consult the sampleloop.log file in the installation directory to check on the
progress of the table conversion.

After all the new tables are available, sampling will start automatically.

Once all the tables have been created, the main web page for system reporter should be accessible
at http:///3par where is the name of the server where Apache and
System Reporter are installed.

Proceed to section

“Adding Storage Systems” (page 48)



Installation, Configuration, Update, and Removal