HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual

Page 45

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Use the Browse... button to select and enter the installation directory for the HP 3PAR System
Reporting Tools sampler or accept the default directory (C:/Program Files/3PAR/System

) and then click Next.


Make sure that the desired database is selected, then click Next.


This step differs based on the type of database you selected.

If you selected SQLite for the database, you are prompted for the installation directory
for the HP 3PAR Reporting Tools SQLite database. Use the Browse... button to select and
enter the directory or accept the default directory (C:/Program Files/3PAR/System

) and then click Next. Since SQLite databases are merely on

local files no user name or password are required and you will skip step 8 and be taken
directly to step 9.


If you selected Microsoft SQL for the database, you are prompted for the DSN name and
user name password. Enter the DSN name for a remote Microsoft SQL server if different
from the default database that is displayed (inservstats). Enter the user name
password. Click Next.


If you selected MySQL for the database, you are prompted for the MySQL server host
name and database name. Enter the host name or IP address for a remote MySQL server
or leave it as localhost for local MySQL server. Enter the database name if different from
the default database that is displayed (inservstats). Click Next.


If you selected Oracle for the database you are prompted for the host string. Enter the
net service name you entered in step 9

“Creating the Oracle Net Service” (page 43)


click Next.


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the System Reporter or reinstalling

an existing 3.1 MU2 version for SQLite, and if you wish to retain the data collected from
the previous installation, you must specify the same (existing) database, otherwise a new
database will be created.

System Reporter 3.1 MU2 automatically converts the earlier release database tables into
the required format. If you wish to retain the tables in an earlier format you must make a
backup copy of the database before upgrading.


When upgrading from an earlier version of System reporter (for MySQL only),

the Sampling process may take a while to start sampling. This delay is necessary to
address an issue related to case insensitiveness with default installs of MySQL.


When prompted, type the webuser password in the Web reports password field and the
cliuser password in the Sampler and policy change password field and then click Next.


For additional information about cliuser and webuser, see

“Creating MySQL Users

and Schema” (page 41)


“Creating the Oracle Users for System Reporter” (page 42)


These users correspond with the Apache HTTP Server privilege levels (see

“About Apache

HTTP Server Authorization and Access Control” (page 51)

) and are also defined in the Apache

Server HTTP config.tcl files (see

“Modifying the Apache HTTP Server Configuration Files”

(page 129)


The installer places these user names and passwords in the Apache HTTP Server config.tcl
files and the cliuser user name and password in the database password file called dbpwfile
located in the installation directory for the HP 3PAR System Reporting Tools sampler (default
file path C:/Program Files/3PAR/System Reporter/dbpwfile). See

“Setting File

Permissions (Optional)” (page 50)

for information on setting the appropriate permissions for

the files.


Enter optional SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) parameters to allow System Reporter to
send email. If you do not wish to use the email alerts feature (see

“Configuring Rules for Email

Alerts” (page 121)

) you may leave all entries in this screen blank. If you want to be able to

Installing or Upgrading the System Reporter Tools