Snapclone commands, Addsnapclonetaskex command, Addvdgsnapclonetaskex command – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual

Page 33

background image

The following object types are handled, and the associated input names to wait for are:

Simple virtual disk: Provide name of the virtual disk.

Simple PiT or snapshot: Provide name of PiT or snapshot.

VirtualDiskGroup PiT or snapshot: Provide name of the virtual disk group.

Async Mirror User PiT: Provide name of PiT.

Sync Mirror User PiT: Provide name of PiT.

Snapclone virtual disk: Provide name of the snapclone group. (Waits for all the snapclone
tasks to be created.)

Migration task to be created: Provide the name of the migration group.


A list of task names is required only if the created object is a snapclone group.

The LastInstance flag may be used with a simple PiT, simple snapshot, mirror user PiT, or sync
mirror PiT (handled like a simple PiT, using the user-provided PiT name as the template name). If
the LastInstance flag is used, the preceding PiT/snapshot name is the root name, and the most
recently created PiT/snapshot (with a template name) is used.


WaitForObjectCreation -Name MyVirtualDisk, -VirtualDisk, -timeout 900

WaitForObjectCreation -Name MyPiT LastInstance, ~
-Pit, -timeout 900

WaitForObjectCreation -Name myMigrationGroup, -Migration, -timeout 900

WaitForObjectCreation -Name MySnapcloneGroup, -SnapcloneVirtualDisk,~
-task Task1, -task Task2, -timeout 900

Snapclone commands




AddSnapcloneTaskEx -SCGroup SnapcloneGroupName, ~
-Task SnapcloneTaskName, ~
-Domain DestinationVSMDomainName, -Priority 1|2|3, ~
-VirtualDisk SourceVirtualDiskName, ~
-Destination DestinationVirtualDisk, ~
-StoragePool PoolName, ~
[-Thin 0|1,] [-host HostName1 RW|OFF,] ~
-timeout 900


Adds snapclone task to a group (extended command).

The Priority argument has no significance, and should be treated as optional.




AddVDGSnapcloneTaskEx -SCGroup SCGroupName, ~
-task SnapcloneTaskName, ~
-VDGroup DestinationVDGroupName, ~
-Domain DestinationVSMDomainName, -Priority 1|2|3, ~
[-host HostName1 RW|OFF,] ~
-VirtualDisk SourceVirtualDisk _Destination DestinationVirtualDisk ~
_StoragePool PoolName _thin [0|1], ~
[-VirtualDisk SourceVirtualDisk _Destination DestinationVirtualDisk ~

CLI command guidance