HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual
Hp xc system software user's guide, Version 3.2.1
Table of contents
Document Outline
- User's Guide
- Table of Contents
- About This Document
- 1 Overview of the User Environment
- 2 Using the System
- 3 Configuring Your Environment with Modulefiles
- 4 Developing Applications
- 4.1 Application Development Environment Overview
- 4.2 Compilers
- 4.3 Examining Nodes and Partitions Before Running Jobs
- 4.4 Interrupting a Job
- 4.5 Setting Debugging Options
- 4.6 Developing Serial Applications
- 4.7 Developing Parallel Applications
- 4.7.1 Parallel Application Build Environment
- Modulefiles
- OpenMP
- Pthreads
- Quadrics SHMEM
- MPI Library
- Intel Fortran and C/C++Compilers
- PGI Fortran and C/C++ Compilers
- GNU C and C++ Compilers
- Pathscale Compilers
- GNU Parallel Make
- MKL Library
- ACML Library
- Other Libraries
- 4.7.2 Building Parallel Applications
- 4.7.1 Parallel Application Build Environment
- 4.8 Developing Libraries
- 5 Submitting Jobs
- 6 Debugging Applications
- 7 Monitoring Node Activity
- 8 Tuning Applications
- 9 Using SLURM
- 10 Using LSF-HPC
- 10.1 Information for LSF-HPC
- 10.2 Overview of LSF-HPC Integrated with SLURM
- 10.3 Differences Between LSF-HPC and LSF-HPC Integrated with SLURM
- 10.4 Job Terminology
- 10.5 Using LSF-HPC Integrated with SLURM in the HP XC Environment
- 10.6 Submitting Jobs
- 10.7 LSF-SLURM External Scheduler
- 10.8 How LSF-HPC and SLURM Launch and Manage a Job
- 10.9 Determining the LSF Execution Host
- 10.10 Determining Available System Resources
- 10.11 Getting Information About Jobs
- 10.12 Translating SLURM and LSF-HPC JOBIDs
- 10.13 Working Interactively Within an Allocation
- 10.14 LSF-HPC Equivalents of SLURM srun Options
- 11 Advanced Topics
- A Examples
- A.1 Building and Running a Serial Application
- A.2 Launching a Serial Interactive Shell Through LSF-HPC
- A.3 Running LSF-HPC Jobs with a SLURM Allocation Request
- A.4 Launching a Parallel Interactive Shell Through LSF-HPC
- A.5 Submitting a Simple Job Script with LSF-HPC
- A.6 Submitting an Interactive Job with LSF-HPC
- A.7 Submitting an HP-MPI Job with LSF-HPC
- A.8 Using a Resource Requirements String in an LSF-HPC Command
- Glossary
- Index