HP LaserJet M9059 Multifunction Printer series User Manual

Page 267

background image


Ready light

locating 12

real-time clock 160
recipient lists 135

HP printing supplies returns and

environmental program 240

registration, tray alignment 42
removing Macintosh software 61
repeating defects, problem-

solving 212, 217


staple cartridges 101

reset button 12
Resets menu, control panel 46
resize documents

Macintosh 62
Windows 97


settings 42, 60
troubleshooting quality 207

Resolution Enhancement

technology (REt) 42, 60

REt (Resolution Enhancement

technology 42

REt (Resolution Enhancement

technology) 60

retention, job

accessing 109
features 109
personal 110
proof and hold 110
QuickCopy 111
stored 112

right door

locating 7


saddle stitching 9
safety statements 245
scale documents

Macintosh 62
Windows 97

scanner calibration 168

default settings 17
no-wait 39

scanning e-mail

validating gateway

addresses 223

scanning to e-mail

about 129, 133
address books 135
configuring 130
default settings 20
sending documents 133
troubleshooting 181

scanning to e-mail

address books 135
control-panel settings 132
job settings 137
LDAP support 130
loading documents 133
recipient lists 135
sending documents 133
SMTP support 130

scanning to folder 138
scanning to workflow 139
Secure Disk Erase 157

disk erase 157
locking control panel

menus 158

settings 30

Send Setup menu 37
Send to Folder 138
Send to Workflow 139
sending to e-mail

about 129, 130, 133
address books 135
default settings 20
sending documents 133
troubleshooting 181
validating gateway

addresses 223

sending to e-mail

address books 135
job settings 137
LDAP support 130
loading documents 133
recipient lists 135
sending documents 133
settings 132
SMTP support 130

separator page

Windows 97

Service menu, control panel 46

Services tab

Macintosh 65


Default Job Options menu 17
driver presets (Macintosh) 62
drivers 53, 61
priority 52, 60

Settings tab, embedded Web

server 150

shortcuts 96
size, copy

problem-solving 222

size, media

A4 settings 40
default, selecting 22

skewed pages 213
Sleep button 12
Sleep mode

power specifications 235
settings 23, 25

sleep settings

delay 177
sleep time 177
wake time 177

sleep time, setting 24, 177
smeared toner, problem-

solving 211

SMTP servers

configuring gateway

address 130

connecting to 130
testing 131
validating gateway

addresses 223


direct connection installation,

Macintosh 58

embedded Web server 54,


HP Printer Utility 59
HP Web Jetadmin 54
Macintosh 58
network installation,

Macintosh 59

settings 52, 60
supported operating

systems 48, 58

uninstalling Macintosh 61
Windows 47

Solaris software 55


Index 253