Submitting a non-mpi parallel job – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual
Page 48
The output for this command could also have been 1 core on each of 4 compute nodes in the SLURM
Submitting a Non-MPI Parallel Job
Use the following format of the LSF bsub command to submit a parallel job that does not make use of HP-MPI:
bsub -n num-procs [bsub-options] srun [srun-options] jobname [job-options]
The bsub command submits the job to LSF-HPC.
The -n num-procs parameter, which is required for parallel jobs, specifies the number of cores requested
for the job.
The SLURM srun command is the user job launched by the LSF bsub command. SLURM launches the
in parallel on the reserved cores in the lsf partition.
The jobname parameter is the name of an executable file or command to be run in parallel.
illustrates a non-MPI parallel job submission. The job output shows that the job “srun
” was launched from the LSF execution host lsfhost.localdomain, and that it ran on 4 cores
from the compute nodes n1 and n2.
Example 5-5 Submitting a Non-MPI Parallel Job
$ bsub -n4 -I srun hostname
Job <21> is submitted to default queue
You can use the LSF-SLURM external scheduler to specify additional SLURM options on the command line.
As shown in
, it can be used to submit a job to run one task per compute node (on SMP nodes):
Example 5-6 Submitting a Non-MPI Parallel Job to Run One Task per Node
$ bsub -n4 -ext "SLURM[nodes=4]" -I srun hostname
Job <22> is submitted to default queue
Submitting a Parallel Job That Uses the HP-MPI Message Passing Interface
Use the following format of the LSF bsub command to submit a parallel job that makes use of HP-MPI:
bsub -n
num-procs [bsub-options] mpijob
The bsub command submits the job to LSF-HPC.
The -n num-procs parameter, which is required for parallel jobs, specifies the number of cores requested
for the job.
The mpijob argument has the following format:
mpirun [mpirun--options] [-srun [srun-options]] mpi-jobname
See the mpirun(1) manpage for more information on this command.
The mpirun command's -srun option is required if the MPI_USESRUN environment variable is not set or
if you want to use additional srun options to execute your job. The srun command, used by the mpirun
command to launch the MPI tasks in parallel in the lsf partition, determines the number of tasks to launch
from the SLURM_NPROCS environment variable that was set by LSF-HPC; this environment variable is equivalent
Submitting Jobs