HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 551

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On the host that manages the primary volume, create a volume for the new primary volume.

In Windows Server 2003:

From the Start menu, choose Control Panel, Management Tool, and Computer Management.
Select Disk Management from the Computer Management window and create partitions in
disk management.

In Windows Server 2008:

From the Start menu, choose Administrative Tools, and then open Server Manager. In the
Server Manager window, choose Storage and then Disk Management, and create the volume
with the disk management function.

In Windows Server 2012:

Open Server Manager. In the Server Manager window, choose File and Storage Services
and then Volumes, and create the volume with the disk management function.


On the host that manages the primary volume, change the contents of the definition file for the
RAID Manager instance to the Port, TargetID, and LU of the new primary volume and then restart
the RAID Manager instance.

PROMPT> horcmshutdown 10

PROMPT> horcmstart 10


Execute the following command to generate a pair of the new primary volume and the secondary
volume on the host that manages the primary volume:

PROMPT> paircreate -g SI01 -vl -c 15


Execute the


command and wait till the pair status becomes PAIR.

PROMPT> pairevtwait -g SI01 -s PAIR -t 10 180


Execute the


command to split the pair.

PROMPT> pairsplit -g SI01


Execute the


command to mount the secondary volume.

PROMPT> drmmount 0000000053


Execute the


command to restore tape data on the host that manages the

secondary volume.

PROMPT> drmmediarestore 0000000053


Execute the


command to unmount the secondary volume.

PROMPT> drmumount 0000000053


On the host that manages the secondary volume, export the backup catalog used when data
was restored from the tape and transfer it to the host that manages the primary volume.

PROMPT> drmdbexport 0000000054 -f \tmp\expfile

PROMPT> ftp dbhost

Application Agent CLI User Guide