10 the installed webapps page – HP System Management Homepage-Software User Manual

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10 The Installed Webapps Page

The Installed Webapps page contains a list of installed Webapps in the HP System Management Homepage
(HP SMH). It contains links to the following HP Web-enabled System Management Software:

Integrated Agents

Lists Webapps names. Participants are agents that contribute information contained in

HP SMH. If no HP Web-enabled System Management Software is installed that provides this information,
an informative message appears.

Other Agents

Lists the visible HP Web-enabled System Management Software. The name of the HP

Web-enabled System Management Software provides a link so you can access the agents if they provide
a user interface. When you click the link, the webapp is opened in a new browser window. If no HP
Web-enabled System Management Software is installed that provides this information, an informative message