Ssl cipher suite configuration, Change locality – HP System Management Homepage-Software User Manual
Page 67

The following command displays a list of messages in the range selected by the user.
smhlogreader --from VALUE --to VALUE
For example, to display messages the recent five messages, the user should use the following
command: smhlogreader --from 1 --to 5
File-based command line log reading
The smhlogreader CLI allows the user to use a properly-formatted log file as an input.
The following command allows the user to use a properly-formatted log file as an input and
also backs up the log files.
smhlogreader - f|--file FILE
SSL Cipher Suite configuration
To configure the Cipher Suite, use the following command:
smhconfig -Z|--ssl-cipher-suite[=] SSLCIPHERSUITE
the Cipher Suite available for configuration.
The ? is either + or - depending on whether SSLv2 is enabled or disabled.
Restart the HP SMH application for the Apache server to use the newly configured cipher suite.
For information on the ciphers suite available for configuration and for their description and syntax,
“Ciphers used in HP SMH” (page 85)
Change locality
Use the CLI smhconfig -N option to modify the fields like the Country, State, and Location, that
are hard coded, in a new SMH self-signed certificate which generated whenever the SMH self-signed
certificate gets corrupted or deleted accidentally.
To modify these fields, run the following command: smhconfig -N||
--certificate-locality[=] LOCALITYINFO
where, LOCALITYINFO is the locality
information in Country, State, and Locality format.
Detecting and handling memory leak at runtime (Windows only)
When loaded with Webapps, HP SMH may require large memory space. An option is realized
in CLI in HP SMH (Windows only) to monitor the memory usage, and if the memory usage exceeds
the user specified limit or the set default limit, HP SMH is restarted (soft restart) without modifying
user settings.
HP SMH reads the memory usage, every 12 hours (twice a day). If the memory usage exceeds
the specified limit, HP SMH is restarted. A timer thread is created and Waitable Timer Object
(provided by Windows SDK) is used to set the frequency of checking the memory usage. The Timer
thread is designed to check the operating system time every 1 hour.
Use the following command to set the max-memory-usage tag: smhconfig -J <
max-memory-usage >
where, smhconfig is the command to modify HP SMH settings, —J is the
option to modify max-memory-usage value, and
usage set by the user (in MB). This field accepts only unsigned integers. The default value is 60
MB. Any value below 60 MB is not accepted.
If the memory usage exceeds the specified limit, HP SMH is restarted by running smhconfig command
smhconfig -r
, which does not disturb the existing user sessions.
SSL Cipher Suite configuration