Sample custom input script – HP Linux Server Management Software User Manual
Page 42

Toolkit utilities 42
You can add blank lines and comments to any script to make it easier to read and understand. To create
a comment, enter a semicolon, and then enter the comment text. ACU ignores all text on the same line
after a semicolon.
Sample custom input script
The sample script in this section gives all possible values for each option.
If an option is shown in bold type, you must enter a value for that option when writing your own
If a value is shown in bold type, ACU uses that value as a default setting when creating new logical
You can use this script as a template for your own script. The Control category has the following options:
Action mode
Method mode
Action = Configure|Reconfigure
Method = Custom|Auto ; COMMENT: ACU cannot create a RAID 50 or RAID 60
configuration in Auto mode. You must create such configurations manually
using the Custom setting.
Controller = All | First | Slot [N][:N] | WWN [N] | SerialNumber [N] |
IOCabinet [N],IOBay [N],IOChassis [N],Slot [N],Cabinet [N],Cell [N]
ClearConfigurationWithDataLoss = Yes|No ; COMMENT: This option is now
DeleteLicenseKey = XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX | * ; COMMENT: * is a
wild card that enables you to delete all license keys on the specified
ReadCache = 0|10|20|25|30|40|50|60|70|75|80|90|100
WriteCache = 0|10|20|25|30|40|50|60|70|75|80|90|100
RebuildPriority = Low|Medium|High
ExpandPriority = Low|Medium|High
SurfaceScanDelay = N
SSPState = Enable|Disable
PreferredPathMode = Auto|Manual
; COMMENT: the following five entries are used to optimize the
controller performance for video
MNPDelay = 0|1|2|...|60 ; units are minutes, zero indicates disabled
IRPEnable = Yes|No
DPOEnable = Yes|No
ElevatorSortEnable = Yes|No
QueueDepth = 2|4|8|16|32|Auto