HP StorageWorks XP Direct Backup Engine Software User Manual

Page 44

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HP Surestore Direct Backup Engine XP: User’s Guide

Extended Copy command

Segment descriptor type

Block to Stream (00h): Disk to tape (backup only).

Block to Block (02h): Disk to disk.

Inline Data to Stream (04h): Inline data to tape.

Verify Target (07h)

Target descriptor type

WWN target descriptor (E0h)

Tape block size


Maximum number of target descriptors per command

64 (64 LUs are available, but one LU is used for specifying the


Maximum number of segment descriptors per command


Maximum length of a segment descriptor

64 kB

Maximum length of inline data

64 kB

Maximum data size for copy per command

64 MB

Maximum number of executable copy commands per subsystem 64