HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle Licenses User Manual
Page 40

This section assumes that you are familiar with the Oracle Database and Symantec
NetBackup (NBU). For more information on creating a NetBackup policy, refer to Symantec
NetBackup documentation.
Configuring the NetBackup Policy for Database Backup
For Recovery Manager for Oracle to perform backup and restoration correctly, you must use the
following guidelines in conjunction with Symantec NetBackup documentation when configuring a
NBU policy:
Backup Attribute
Select the standard type for the policy.
Select the cross mount points option.
Deselect the Allow multiple data stream and Block level incremental options.
It is recommended that you enter /dummy for the backup selections.
Recovery Manager generates the backup selection list on the fly to replace the value you entered.
Backup Schedule
Create a schedule for full backup.
If you wish to perform immediate database backup (initiated from Recovery Manager), set the
backup window to 0.
If you also wish to perform automatic database backup (initiated from NBU), specify the backup
window to fit your needs.
Set the backup client to the host name of the backup server, as the backup process will actually
take place on the backup server.
Backup Clients
Configuring the NetBackup Policy for Archive Log Backup
This procedure is to backup the archive logs only. For Recovery Manager for Oracle to perform
backup and restoration correctly, you must use the following guidelines in conjunction with Symantec
NetBackup documentation when configuring a NBU policy:
Backup Attribute
Select the standard type for the policy.
Select the cross mount points option.
Deselect the Allow multiple data stream and Block level incremental options.
It is recommended that you enter /dummy for the backup selections.
Recovery Manager generates the backup selection list on the fly to replace the value you entered.
Backup Schedule
Create two schedules, one for full backup and one for incremental backup (optional). For the
incremental backup schedule, you can create either a differential incremental or cumulative
incremental backup schedule.
Incremental backup of archive log using RMAN is not supported.
If you wish to perform immediate archive log backup (initiated from Recovery Manager), set the
backup window to 0.
If you also wish to perform automatic archive log backup (initiated from NBU), specify the backup
window to fit your needs.
Set the backup client to the host name of the backup server, as the backup process will actually
take place on the backup server.
Backup Clients
Setting Up NetBackup Configuration Parameters for the Backup Server
Recovery Manager uses bpstart and bpend scripts as a hook to NetBackup to create Virtual Copy
of a database then present the database Virtual Copy to the backup server for backup and to
cleanup the Virtual Copy after backup process completes respectively. The BPSTART_TIMEOUT
and BPEND_TIMEOUT in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf on the backup server should
Configuring Recovery Manager for Oracle