Rmora_rsync – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle Licenses User Manual
Page 82
rmora_rsync -s
[ -o online|offline|validate] [ -r
The rmora_rsync command can be used to create an online of offline database Virtual Copy
on the remote/secondary and local/primary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system in a Remote Copy
or Synchronous Long Distance Remote Copy configuration.
This feature requires the HP 3PAR Remote Copy Software license.
The Remote Copy configuration can be configured as periodic or synchronous mode (or both as
in SyncLD Remote Copy configuration). For periodic mode, the rmora_rsync command performs
periodic synchronization between the database virtual volumes on the local/primary and the
remote/secondary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. Redo log RC group (if it exists) will not be
synced. Once the synchronization completes, the command will automatically create Virtual Copies
of the corresponding database virtual volumes on the remote/secondary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage
system. For synchronous mode, the command creates Virtual Copies of the corresponding database
virtual volumes on the remote secondary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system without performing
synchronization since they are always in sync. For both periodic and synchronous mode, Virtual
Copies are not created for redo log volumes.
To create a database Virtual Copy on the local/primary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system in
addition to a database Virtual Copy on the remote/secondary HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system,
a local backup server is required. The local backup server must be connected to the local/primary
HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. In addition, Recovery Manager for Oracle must be
pre-configured for the database on the local backup server. The local backup server can be used
to manage all database Virtual Copies that are created on the local/primary HP 3PAR StoreServ
Storage system.
The database instance must be offline or online when creating an offline or online database Virtual
Copy respectively. The database instance is considered to be offline if it is in CLOSED mode. If
the database is an RAC database, all RAC instances must be offline. The database instance is
considered to be online if it is in OPEN mode (for primary database) or in managed recovery
mode (for physical standby databases). If the database is an RAC database, the specified database
instance must be online, all other RAC instances can be either online or offline.
If the database being snapshot is a physical standby database and Oracle release is not 11g, the
Oracle parameter file and control file of the production database must be backup manually in
addition to the Virtual Copy. This is because the parameter file and control file are not compatible
between the standby and production database.
When creating an online Virtual Copy, a Virtual Copy is created for the virtual volumes used by
all MANDATORY archive log destinations. If there are no MANDATORY archive log destinations,
a Virtual Copy is created for the virtual volumes used by all OPTIONAL archive log destinations.
Recovery Manager for Oracle does not create Virtual Copies for virtual volumes used by Oracle
database temporary files in order to be consistent with Oracle's backup procedure. However,
Recovery Manager for Oracle does create Virtual Copies for read-only and offline datafiles. (After
the database is cloned on the backup server, you must rename the read-only and offline datafiles
as appropriate: use the syntax in the ascii control file that is saved in the timestamp repository to
replace the real file names that are based on the mount points during cloning.)
Using the Recovery Manager Command Line Interface