Automatic backup – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle Licenses User Manual
Page 19

For Oracle RMAN backup, Recovery Manager for Oracle:
Starts up a clone database in mounted mode using the mounted Virtual Copy on the backup
server, assuming ORACLE_HOME is installed and configured in the Recovery Manager
Calls an RMAN backup script ( or
) to backup the cloned database.
Removes the cloned database.
Unmounts the Virtual Copy.
The RMAN backup scripts ( and
are generated at
during the creation of the
Recovery Manager Configuration file.
Automatic Backup
NBU automatic backup can be used when Recovery Manager for Oracle is configured
to run as either root user or Oracle owner.
If Recovery Manager for Oracle is configured to be run as an Oracle user and this is an
upgrade from previous Recovery Manager release, the rmora_config command must be run
again for each database that is configured for automatic backup.
During an automatic backup, NBU initiates a backup process on the NBU client (the backup server).
For an NBU (user-managed) backup:
The NBU client executes the bpstart_notify.
The bpstart_notify script creates a Virtual Copy of the database or archive log destination,
mounts it on the backup server, then generates the include list in the
file, which contains a list of
files on the Virtual Copy for backup.
Once the backup process is completed, the NBU client executes the
script to perform Virtual Copy cleanup.
The bpstart_notify and bpend_notify scripts are generated at
during the creation of the Recovery Manager Configuration file.
By default, the bpstart_notify script (for database backup policy) will perform an online
backup. If an offline or datafile backup is desired, edit this file to set the value of BACKUP_MODE
to 'offline' or 'datafile' respectively. In addition, the database must be manually shutdown for
offline backup.
For an Oracle RMAN backup:
The NBU client executes the backup script or
, which must be specified in the Backup Selection List of the
NBU policy.
The backup script creates a Virtual Copy of the database or archive log destination, mounts
it on the backup server, starts up a cloned database in MOUNTED mode, then calls the RMAN
backup scripts ( or to backup
the cloned database.
Recovery Manager for Oracle and Third-Party Backup Tools