HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 22

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Running SWID

Software Identification (SWID) User’s Guide527243-004

2 -4

SWID Output


\HERA $SYSTEM.SYSTEM 62> run swid
SoftWare Identification Utility - T9298G02 - (30AUG2005) System \HERA
(C)1991 Tandem (C)2005 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P.
05Jul 5 02:42:28 (Switches: None)
Enter fileset>-help

SWID, SoftWare File Identification Utility, computes current and extracts the
original file-fingerprints by reading the specified files. It also provides
VPROC functionality. The invocation syntax is:

SWID [/IN [,OUT ].../] [ ..] [ ..]

Names the IN file. Default is the home terminal. Only one is
permitted for each line. A line is ignored if it begins with !.

Names the OUT file. Default is the home terminal.

Either of the following switches:
-DA: Display Any fpts. Current computed only when original is n/a.
-DV: Display VPROC information for object/microcode files.
-DS: Display run Statistics at the end.
-SC: Suppress Current fpts.
-SO: Suppress Original fpts.
-SH: Suppress the Header & Footer records when -FO is used.
Suppress hyphens in fpts display in case of textual output.
-FD: Fingerprint Detail: display version and type also.
-FV: Computes the specified fingerprint version (see below).
-FT: Computes the specified fingerprint type (see below).
-FA: Format Archaic.
-FO: Formatted Output. (Do not use without specifying OUT file)
-AF: Return ASCII fpts also in formatted output.
-BS: Be my Server process.

is a fileset that is either a single file name or a file name
template using wild cards * and ?.

The run line arguments are space separated. Switches must precede filesets.
Hit CTRL-Y or BREAK to terminate the session.

Fingerprint Versions and Types:

All fingerprints produced by SWID version T9298AAJ and earlier had
version 1, type 0. After that, the following new versions and types
were introduced:

FP FP File
Version Type Code Description
------- ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------
1 0 * All files from SWID version T9298AAJ and earlier.
* 63 * File has unexpected format. All bytes fingerprinted.
2 0 0 New accurate fingerprint for OSIMAGE file.
1 0 100 File that have not been TNS/E accelerated with OCA.
2 0 100 File that has been TNS/E accelerated with OCA.
2 1 100 A linkage sensitive type fingerprint.
2 0 180 ZREG file only(Public-DLL Registry), skip timestamps.
2 0 800 TNS/E native program file.
2 1 800 A linkage sensitive type fingerprint.
1 0 700 SRL-Info section in-sensitive fingerprint.
1 1 700 SRL-Info section sensitive fingerprint.
Enter fileset>! hello world
Enter fileset>fc
** No files match the fileset : FC **
Enter fileset>EOF!
** Invalid fileset : EOF! **
Enter fileset>

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