HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Software identification (swid) user’s guide

Software Identification
(SWID) User’s Guide
This guide describes the Software Identification (SWID) utility, which is available for HP
NonStop™ system customers and service providers. This utility enables you to collect
exact file identification information for all NonStop software that resides on your
Product Version
SWID G02, H06
Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
This publication supports D48.03 and all subsequent D-series RVUs, G06.08 and all
subsequent G-series RVUs, and H06.03 and all subsequent H-series RVUs until
otherwise indicated by its replacement publication..
Part Number
September 2005
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- What’s New in This Manual
- About This Manual
- 1 SWID Overview
- 2 Running SWID
- 3 SWID Output
- 4 Running SWID With Customized Switches
- Switch Options
- -DA (Display Any Fingerprint)
- -DV (Display Version Procedure)
- -DS (Display Run Statistics)
- -SC (Suppress Current Fingerprint)
- -SO (Suppress Original Fingerprint)
- -FD (Fingerprint Detail)
- -FV (Fingerprint Version)
- -FT (Fingerprint Type)
- -FA (Format Archaic)
- -FO (Formatted Output)
- -AF (ASCII Fingerprints)
- -SH (Suppress Header)
- -BS (Be My Server)
- Switch Usage Examples
- Switch Options
- 5 SWID Formatted Output
- 6 SWID Server Interface
- A Error Messages
- Glossary
- Index