Quota - clear quota, Queue - call queue, Rbak+ - ringback when free – Avaya 5620SW + EU24 User Manual

Page 50: Rbak - cancel ringback when free

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Function Keys

Page 50 - Function Keys

IP Office (R3.0) 5620SW + EU24 User’s Guide

Function Key Features

40DHB0002USEP – Issue 1 (13th January 2005)

Quota - Clear Quota

Clears (resets) the time quota for connections to a specified external data service (eg.
the internet).

This function requires entry of the service name when programmed. If left blank then
the quotas for all services are cleared (reset). This function cannot be programmed
through the phone by the user.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Clear Quota]

Queue - Call Queue

Places a current call into the call queue of a specified extension. Allows calls to be
transferred to extensions that return busy tone. This feature is not applicable when
working with multiple Call Appearance lines.

This function requires entry of a target extension number when programmed. This
function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.

During a call, pressing

Queue places that call in the target extensions call queue. If

the target extension is free, it rings immediately. If the target extension is busy, it rings
when it becomes free again.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Queue]

See also:
DCW - Dial CW on page 36.

RBak+ - Ringback When Free

Sets a callback when free on busy extensions and callback when next used on
unanswered extensions.

This function does not require any data entered when programmed. This function
cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.

When an extension called does not answer or is busy, pressing

AutCB sets a

callback on that extension. Whilst the callback is set, AutCB is shown with a symbol.

AutCB again cancels the callback.

When the extension becomes free or is next used, Ring Back to and the number
appears on the phone that set the callback. Pressing

answers the ringback and

starts a call to the callback target.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Miscellaneous | Ringback When Free]

See also:
AutCB - Automatic Callback (!) on page 32.

RBak - Cancel Ringback When Free

Cancels any set ringback when free function.

This function does not require any data entered when programmed. This function
cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.


RBak- switches off any set ring back when free. If the ringback was set

using a

AutCB key, that key will still appear with a symbol that can be cancelled

by pressing the

AutCB key again.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Miscellaneous | Cancel Ringback When