Drop - drop (!), Dtone - secondary dial tone, Emrgy - dial emergency – Avaya 5620SW + EU24 User Manual

Page 38: Flash - flash hook (#), Folto - follow me to

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Page 38 - Function Key Features

Function Keys

Page 38 - Function Keys

IP Office (R3.0) 5620SW + EU24 User’s Guide

Function Key Features

40DHB0002USEP – Issue 1 (13th January 2005)

Drop - Drop (!)

Clears a current calls.

This function does not require any data entered when programmed. This function can
be programmed through the phone by the user using an

Admin key.

For a call in progress, pressing

Drop disconnects the caller.

When drop is used, silence is returned to the user rather than dial tone. This is
intended operation, reflecting that Drop is mainly used by call center headset users.

[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Drop]

DTone - Secondary Dial Tone

Return secondary dial tone to the user.

This function is currently not supported on the 5620 telephone.

Emrgy - Dial Emergency

Dials a specified number regardless of any call barring applied to the user.

This function requires entry of a number to dial when programmed. That number is
then shown next to Emrgy. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by
the user.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Dial | Dial Emergency]

Flash - Flash Hook (#)

Send a hook flash signal to the currently connected line.

This function does not require any data entered when programmed. This function
cannot be programmed through the phone by the user. This function can be
programmed through the phone by the user using an

Admin 1 key.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Miscellaneous | Flash Hook]

FolTo - Follow Me To

Forwards calls from this extension to the specified target.

This function requires the target extension to be entered when programmed. The
extension number is then shown next to FolTo. This function cannot be programmed
through the phone by the user.


FolTo sets the extension's Follow Me To number to the specified

extension and switches follow me use on. Whilst on, FolTo is shown with a symbol.

FolTo again to switch off.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me To]