Designer, Create request fails for my published template – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

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Restore the communication or restart the provider service. Then refresh Insight Dynamics by using Systems Insight
Manager, Tools

Logical ServersRefresh. Select Refresh of Virtual Connect Resources or Refresh of Virtual

Machine Resources as appropriate.

Alternatively, as a workaround, you can change the number of polling intervals before a server is removed by
changing the value of the server.keep.alive.rounds property in ..\Program Files\HP\Insight


Create Request fails for my Published template.


Resource are unavailable

Possible cause

When a template is published it is validated by the Designer. However, if after publishing, resources are removed
from the system (software, networks) the template might become invalid (due to lack of resources) and is not


discovered by Insight Orchestration until it is revalidated, and saved in Designer. Consequently when changing
your environment configuration, be sure to revalidate affected templates.


Troubleshooting items addressed in this section:

After period of inactivity, my template appears available to edit, until I try to save the template.

Special characters do not validate in Cost units field in Designer.

I can only assign a virtual IP address to the first network connected to the server group.

How do I troubleshoot communication failures?

A fatal error occurred while initializing the Designer.

With IE6, launching Designer from Insight Orchestration console can cause sporadic Designer interface

User not authenticated.

After period of inactivity, my template appears available to edit, until I try to save the template.


The Insight Orchestration Designer session service has expired.

Possible cause

Designer logs you out, but preserves the changes. To save the template, login, recover the modifications, and
then save the template.


Special characters do not validate in Cost units field in Designer.


Possible cause

The Insight Orchestration Designer does not validate the Cost units text field. To avoid displaying unexpected
characters, do not enter special characters in the Cost units field when configuring the template.


I can only assign a virtual IP address to the first network connected to the server group.


Possible cause

The Insight Orchestration Designer enables you to define virtual IP addresses for a server group. If multiple
networks are connected to the group, Insight Orchestration only enables you to assign virtual IP addresses to
the first network listed for the server group. Networks are listed in alphanumeric order.
To workaround this issue, do one of the following:


Start the network name with an “a”, placing the network you want to use first in the list.

Export and edit the template XML, changing the network assigned to the virtual IP.

How do I troubleshoot communication failures?


Possible cause

Role specific operations