Sterlco SSL and SSIL Series Hopper Loaders User Manual
Page 40

Menu 2
Number of Blowback Pulses
0 to 16 Pulses, Default = 4 Pulses
The Number of Blowback Pulses menu lets you:
• control the number of blowback pulses discharged from the
compressed air solenoid during the hopper dump sequence
• increase the number of pulses if the material conveyed exhibits
bridging problems or otherwise dumps slowly
• decrease the number of pulses to optimize the cycle time and
increase throughput when conveying free-flowing material
Menu 3
Percentage of Material B
0 to 100 Percent, Default = 0 Percent
PP Models Only
The Percentage of Material B menu lets you increase or decrease the percentage of
Material B in the proportioning cycle.
Menu 4
SPV Total Cycle Time
0 to 60 Seconds, Default = 30 Seconds
PP Models Only
The SPV Total Cycle Time menu lets you:
• control the duration of a complete proportioning cycle—this time is
not the same as the vacuum time; the vacuum and proportioning
timers operate concurrently as shown in Figure 10.
• decrease the SPV total cycle time to increase the layering of the
two materials in the hopper loader as it fills
• increase the SPV total cycle time to reduce the layering of the two
materials in the hopper loader as it fills
Example: If the percent of Material B (Menu 3 ) is set at 20% and the SPV
total cycle time (Menu 4 ) is set at 40 seconds, Material B
conveys for twenty percent (20%) of
40 seconds, or eight (8) seconds. Material A conveys for the
remaining 32 seconds.
Figure 10: Proportioning Cycle