Sterlco SSL and SSIL Series Hopper Loaders User Manual

Page 40

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Menu 2

Number of Blowback Pulses

0 to 16 Pulses, Default = 4 Pulses

The Number of Blowback Pulses menu lets you:

control the number of blowback pulses discharged from the

compressed air solenoid during the hopper dump sequence

increase the number of pulses if the material conveyed exhibits

bridging problems or otherwise dumps slowly

decrease the number of pulses to optimize the cycle time and

increase throughput when conveying free-flowing material

Menu 3

Percentage of Material B

0 to 100 Percent, Default = 0 Percent

PP Models Only
The Percentage of Material B menu lets you increase or decrease the percentage of
Material B in the proportioning cycle.

Menu 4

SPV Total Cycle Time

0 to 60 Seconds, Default = 30 Seconds

PP Models Only
The SPV Total Cycle Time menu lets you:

control the duration of a complete proportioning cycle—this time is

not the same as the vacuum time; the vacuum and proportioning
timers operate concurrently as shown in Figure 10.

decrease the SPV total cycle time to increase the layering of the

two materials in the hopper loader as it fills

increase the SPV total cycle time to reduce the layering of the two

materials in the hopper loader as it fills

Example: If the percent of Material B (Menu 3 ) is set at 20% and the SPV

total cycle time (Menu 4 ) is set at 40 seconds, Material B
conveys for twenty percent (20%) of
40 seconds, or eight (8) seconds. Material A conveys for the
remaining 32 seconds.

Figure 10: Proportioning Cycle