Setra System SRPM User Manual
Page 18

From this screen the user can access the following:
a. Latched Alarm requires the pressure to return to normal and the
alarm to be acknowledged before the alarm can be silenced and
b. Enable the audible alarm by selecting “Yes” or use visual only alarm
by selecting “No”.
c. Provide a “door open” warning visual indication. When a door jamb
contact switch is used and this button is activated by pressing “Yes”,
the door status “open” condition is indicated by the touch screen
display turning from green to yellow, and door open indicated on the
monitoring (default) screen.
d. Set the time (in seconds) that the alarm can be silenced in the
latched alarm mode before the alarm resumes. This assumes that
the room static pressure is still outside the normal or set operating
limits. The Mute Time Out can be set from 0 to 9999 seconds.
e. Set the Alarm Delay (in seconds) from the time that the room
pressure goes out of the preset limits until the alarm activates. The
alarm delay may be set from 0 to 9999 seconds.
f. Set the alarm volume or sound level. Using the Up and Down keys,
the volume can be set at level 1-4. Level 4 alarm volume is the
loudest and corresponds to a sound level of 85 dB at a distance of 4
Lightly press (or tap) button to select “Yes” or “No” for Latch Alarm,
Audible Alarm, or Door Alarm Inputs. Selected box background will
change from clear to black when selected.
Pressing (or tapping) the “Mute Time Out” or “Alarm Delay” box activates
the Data Entry screen to set the time delay duration.