Page 15

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Calibration -/adjustment steps:

The relative humidity of the measured air should be within the range of 25 to 70 % rh during the controlling
procedure. The transmitter must be connected to the power supply during calibration!

1. Loosen the screws and remove the cover plate.
2. Put the service cable into 5-pole socket and connect with the HygroPalm.
3. Hold the reference probe next to the probe of the transmitter as close as possible to the sensor.
4. Wait for the display to become stable.
5. Reference transfer according to operating instructions of HygroPalm.
6. Remove the service cable and replace the cover plate.

6.3.2. Check with ROTRONIC humidity standards in the workshop

Attention: The ROTRONIC humidity standard (CH-poison class 3 ) is normally not harmful for people, however
can evoke irritations on sensitive skin. If contact with the skin or the eyes occurs, the solution has to be
washed out with lots of water. The ROTRONIC humidity standards may not be taken in!

Material required:
- Calibration device type ER-15 or ERV-15 (for probe in vertical position),EM-G for screw-in probe
- ROTRONIC humidity standards: type EA35 (35 %rh), EA80 (80 %rh), EA10 (10 %rh), EA05 or EA00 (5 % or 0 %)
- Service cable (type AC1628)
- HygroPalm2 or 3
Remove the transmitter** and calibrate it in a room with constant temperature.
** Wall mounting types which are installed in a vertical position do not have to be removed from the measuring site, as long as the
ambient temperature remains stable during the calibration
For adjustment- and calibration purposes, the device must be removed from the EX-zone, because the accessories needed for these
are not ATEX-approved. The transmitter must be supplied with 10 VDC via the terminals. Terminal 1: GND; Terminal 2: +10 VDC

Operation of the HygroPalm according to HygroPalm operating instructions
Menu ADJUST 1 PT, section 8.1 or Menu ADJUST M.PT, section 9

Observe the following rules for calibration or adjustment:

a) Calibrate or adjust at constant temperature and avoid any thermal influence which could influence the measurement:

draught, sunshine, heating, fan, etc.!

b) Place the probe and primarily its calibration device on an insulating base (e.g. the cover of the humidity standard set)
so that there can be optimum temperature stabilization.

Connector 5-pole situated on the print

Calibration device

Cable typ


Transmitter probe

Software HW3



Transmitter probe

Connector 5-pole situated on the print
