Sensorrange, Driverid and algorithmid – PNI SENtral MandM User Manual

Page 36

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PNI Sensor Corporation

Doc #1020129 revE

SENtral M&M Technical Datasheet

Page 35

parameters associated with SENtral’s continuous background calibration function and
gyro bias correction. When SENtral is powered down or otherwise re-initialized,

these parameters also are re-initialized and the parameter refinement process must

start over. The parameter transfer process provides the ability to save these

parameters to the host as they are refined, and to reload them if the parameters within

SENtral are re-initialized. Thus, if the WarmStart parameters periodically are

retrieved from SENtral and saved by the host, it is possible to effectively warm-start

SENtral after it is re-initialized by reloading the WarmStart parameters into SENtral

that previously were saved to the host.

To effectively enable a warm-start process, it is necessary to periodically save all 35

WarmStart parameters, and to reload all of them after SENtral is re-initialized.


The dynamic ranges of the sensors used in conjunction with SENtral normally are set

as part of the Configuration File. Typically the gyroscope will be set to 2000 dps, the

accelerometer to ±2 g or ±4 g, and the magnetometer to ±1

T. However, there may

be instances when it is desirable to change the dynamic range. For instance, if

SENtral will be used in an application with frequent shock, such as jogging, it may be

necessary to increase the accelerometer range to something greater than ±4 g.

SensorRange[mag:accel] loads or retrieves the magnetometer range data in

ParamByte0 and ParamByte1, while the accelerometer range data is in ParamByte2

and ParamByte3. For example, a likely readout for SensorRange[mag:accel] in the

4x RetrieveParamByte registers is 0xE8030200, corresponding to a magnetometer

dynamic range of 0x03E8 (±1000

T) and an accelerometer dynamic range of

0x0002 (±2 g). SensorRange[gyro] loads or retrieves the gyroscope range in

ParamByte0 and ParamByte1, while ParamByte2 and ParamByte3 are reserved and

should be 0x00.

DriverID and AlgorithmID

Sensor driver and algorithm revision information can be retrieved using the Parameter

Transfer process. Table A2-3 indicates how these parameters are defined.

ParameterBytes 2 and 3 for Parameter Numbers 78 and 80 are 0x00 and reserved for

future use.